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Message from Isabelle Bourgeois,


Advocate in International Affairs

Former UN Permanente Représentative for Civil Society Organisations

Associate founder, has been elected President in September 2016.




Welcome to the Partnership Network International website dedicated to what matters most to us: while applying the general principles of International Law on which the UN is founded, empowering the new generation and protecting vulnerable groups with the values of human dignity and equality.

PNI aims to strengthen the work of its partners and represent them in order to expand access to quality services for all.

We are one of the few associations that does not seek funding from governments, businesses or political parties. As PNI has so far depended on our personal contribution, we act with complete independence and freedom, for greater respect for human rights, development and protection of the environment in the world.

Our mandate is to equip and support partners to allow the full development of populations in all areas of life, to raise an independent voice capable of defending civil society actors, individuals and their lifestyles, to facilitate the flow of challenges, ideas and practices between different UN agencies and civil society actors around the world ... while firmly maintaining our rights and privileges as UN Partner (see on our PNI's site the tab: UN Partnership - President's Statment).

Based in the international city of Geneva that hosts a rich ecosystem of UN agencies and partners which play essential roles in the long/middle/short term structural prevention-implementation and protection-follow-up, this work is being done thanks to active presence in the different UN mechanisms, advocacy and liaising our partners with one another, academic projects, sponsorship projects, and capacity building ….Also by personally pursuing continuing education– After a new diploma in Multilateral Diplomacy (2016) with UNITAR, I am newly graduated with honor with a new Master in Diplomacy and International Affairs. 


Promoting a multi-stakeholder approach expressing their views freely, the general principles of international law on which the UN is founded, ethics and international affairs, Partnerships Network International (PNI) offers all kinds of benefits, such as linking public and private actors, civil society actors and state actors and individuals.


By building bridges with society, being as the crossroads, is being as such a catalyst for positive change.


Isabelle Bourgeois,

Founder & President of Partnership Network International (PNI) 


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